Tuesday, March 9, 2010

He is or he isn't

Interesting past couple of weeks. Here we go:

First off- I have been diagnosed with Polyhydramnios, which means I have way too much amniotic fluid. Very interesting because I'm not diabetic and usually the problems the baby is associated with not enough goo. I was told I have four time the amount of fluid I should have which is adding to the stress on my body. I've been ranging from 29-34 cm of fluid. They have been referring to my uterus as a big sea and the baby a little fish. Today they called it an ocean.

Secondly- My blood pressure has been surprisingly low. Like lower than it has been when I'm not knocked up.

I was held hostage at the doctor's office last week. They never got my test results for my three hour glucose screen and since the Poly is associated with diabetes, he kept me there until the lab found my results. Luckily the results weren't of something that could kill me (sarcasm). They tracked them down, and I was freed. Doc still thinks I might have late onset, and I have to go do another glucose test in the morning, even though this brings me to...

They baby is super small. 14th percentile because he has little arms and legs. He was five pounds and four ounces a week ago. Babies who mother's have diabetes are gianormous. But I shall humor the doc just to be safe.

Almost had a baby today and yesterday. Yesterday the baby didn't do his practice breathing which made me fail my biophysical. Typically if you're as far along as I am they make you deliver if you fail. The doc told me to try again today. I wasn't afraid of having a baby before yesterday when I realized that I have to have a baby, and soon.

Today he had a heart rate of 110 at my high risk (yup, officially high risk) appointment, which is low for him. Doc freaks out and tells me to prepare the thought in my head that I might have some spawn today. I go get my bio first. The little shit did nothing until the very bitter end. Talk about scaring his momma. He then almost cooperated for his stress test. She actually got some of a reading, which is more than they normally ever do.

Doc told me that if I didn't have the baby today that they will schedule my induction for within two weeks. They want to take him before 40 weeks.

Lastly, the doc said today that his feet appeared normal in the last growth scan. I have seen my baby's twisted foot on scan with my own eyes. We're not getting our hopes up, but I think I will find humor in the irony if he doesn't have club feet. We're mentally prepared to take care of his feet and for his future appointments and the sleepless nights. We know it could be much, much worse and are thankful that it's not. For him to not have clubbed feet would be amazing, but I don't think there's a chance in hell his feet are normal.

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