Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nice shoes

So Spencer's feet are progressing along nicely. He had his brace check today, and everything looked great. Having 900 dollar shoes sure gets a baby a lot of attention. Today someone asked us where we got his shoes at because she thought they were awesome.

So we were at the hospital where we usually go to do feet stuff, but in a different part. When we were near the ortho department, Spencer kept staring at the dept giving it the nasiest look. Apparently he also gives the same look to his pt.

He doesn't shut up! Spencer babbles all the time. He'll be seven months old soon, and he is teething. He has been chewing on everything, thus slobbering on everything! He is 27 inches long and weighs 18 pounds. To think we never thought he would hit nine pounds! And he drank from a sippy cup yesterday! He's apparently not too good at it yet, but it's a start. It was the first time he was offered it!