Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuckered out.

A tired Spencer is a sick Spencer I've learned. He was really tired last week for a few days in a few. Then a few nights ago Spencer had the poops and the pukes. During the night he started coughing and by the next morning he looked really bad and was nearly lethargic. I took him to his peds, but was reassured he was ok, just a little cold, but could potentially have RSV. The doc told me he wasn't really at a risk for getting super sick...hahahahahaha. The next night he spiked a fever and we went to the ER. His chest Xray looked fine and they sent us on our way. Sunday night he had a raging ear infection. His oxygen levels sucked that night and his cough was worse. Monday morning I took him to the ER again becaus ehe was even worse and they ambulanced him to another hospital. Spencer has phnemoia (fuck it, I can't spell it) and RSV.
We just finished spending three days int he hospital and I'm tuckered out. Little man is doing so much better. Initially we were going to be admitted to the PICU, but they were out of room. We played fifty questions with a dozen doctors, had a bazillion students visit us, and sent our only two roommates the the PICU while Spencer got better. I'm convinced Spencer had a part of that. They made our room private after roommate number two, luckily.

His gait trainer finally came today! I'm so excited! We've been waiting for it since sept or nov. Now to figure out how to use it....