Saturday, February 1, 2014


The big cardiology appointment is Tuesday.  I'm nervous already.  I try not to think about big appointments or surgery until the morning of.  I can usually block it out of my mind until the doctor sits down or we walk down the hall to the OR.  This time I can't.  It's his heart.  It keeps him alive.  His broken heart has kept him alive for this long but we need to repair it.  I want to know what the plan is on Tuesday.  I don't want to have to do an internal echo or any of that.  I want them to tell me that they're going to fix it, when and how, so I can prepare myself.  I'm tired of putting it off, but part of me wants to run for the hills.

On the plus side, if there is one to heart surgery, we hopefully will find out if we can pull his tube from this appointment.  I'm excited by the prospect of him being tubeless as soon as March.  He wouldn't have a 4th "tubiversary."