Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wake me up in ten minutes

Since I'm waiting for my husband to get out of work, I figured I'd talk about my wonderful doctor's appointment last week.

So I went in for a simple stress test. Little did I know I would be stuck at the hospital for five hours. The little guy didn't cooperate, even after being buzzed sex times(he's a heavy sleeper), so they made me do a battery of tests after wards. I went to ultra sound after waiting like an hour to go, where they assigned him points for each movement he made and if he tried to breathe. He got an 8 out of 8. Then I had to go over to triage, which will cost me a thousand dollars because it's out of network (in the same building), for like a 2 hour stress test! I thought they forgot about me. The bed was horribly uncomfortable and I had to stay in an awkward position, and I was running on little sleep. Turns out he's fine, which I knew the entire time. Even the ultra sound tech said he was sleeping and being stubborn, something I have told the doctor's the entire time. He's the most active in the middle of the night most likely because it's when I relax because I get off work late.

This little guy is going to make us bankrupt before he even gets here.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. I skipped my stress test yesterday because we have a foot of snow and I couldn't really get out of work anyhow. My next stress test is Thurs. I'm refusing going for more testing if he doesn't cooperate.

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