Friday, February 5, 2010


Bad visit at the doctor today. My blood pressure is too high and he took me off work for the weekend. Hopefully it's back down when I got back on Monday, because I've only been home like 3 hours and I'm already stir crazy. I have to keep an eye out for swelling extremities, headache and liver pain. I get to pee in a jug all day Sunday. I almost giggled when they told me I had to keep it in the fridge. Not exactly sure what they need all that pee for...
On Monday I get another ultra sound done to check his growth. Then I get to go back to the doctor and get re-examined. Then after that I have to go get a stress test, my first of the week. Then I get to go back for another on Thurs. I get to have those for the rest of the duration. I guess this means they will probably take him as soon as he's fully "cooked." I've got about four weeks to go until he's in the completely developed stage.
Not exactly sure what I'm going to do if they put me on bed rest. I can still do my two online classes. I'm sure they will still let me waddle to my other two classes that I have once a week each.

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