Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The TMI post, or what I'd like to call, the penis post

We spent two hours at endocrine today...his thyroid levels were the best they have ever been. His free T4 levels were actually normal for a change, which he has always baffled the endocrinologist because of it's weird levels. We spent 2 hours at endo because of little man's penis...so the story begins.

I've been pretty hesitant about discussing his manly parts. But alas, it all started before he was born and at our first prenatal appointment. The nurse asked us if the baby was a boy if we would want him circumcised. I told Jimmy it was his decision and he was fairly adamant (read blantly adamant) about having it done.
Fast forward about 8 months. Spencer is born, and on the day he would have been cut was when he went to Childrens. Then the doctors couldn't decide if Spencer was big enough to do the circ. The term micro-penis was thrown around, which scared the hell out of me. Google is brutal. Anyhow, then the urologist did a consult at my insistance and said he was fine and just had what we like to refer to "his pad-o-fat", which hides part of the penis. After a month of relentless debate, it was decided it would be done by the surgeon when he went in for his gtube insertion.
The surgeon comes to talk to us after the surgery and told us that his urethra appeared slightly off center, and they don't do the circumcision just in case the urologist needs the foreskin in reconstruction. Urologist tells us he has a level one hypospadius and he will need what he actually referred to as a fancy circumcision.
Keep in mind, his circumcision was brought up more times than I can count. In the mean time, I kept my stance of, "I don't care."
Then Spencer' testicles decided not to drop. After it had been establish that Spencer is 1. genetically a boy and 2. that he creates testosterone, that they have to be in there somewhere. They searched "pad-o-fat" to no avail. The urologist said we might have to do exploratory surgery at some point and then bring them down. What we discussed at endocrine today was whether we needed to give Spencer a shot of testosterone, which fancy endocrine doctor (the resident) says, "will confirm again he has testicles and might make his penis grow even larger, but it's already an impressive size," or do an ultrasound. They tried to call urology to see what doc wanted to do, but he was in surgery...so we might have to go back to endocrine for shots tomorrow or the next day. In the meantime, we had to go do an ultra sound of his pelvis tomorrow. That should be a fun conversation with the tech.

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