Monday, July 25, 2011

The Tubie Version of a Play Date

Spencer had a great day today:) Well, afternoon. We started off the morning by waking up far too early and going to see his hand doctor. Everything looks good except his thumbs are still ridiculously long (duh) and he is lacking some bones in his wrist. Those will come with time, according to the good doctor. His range of motion is a lot better. Recommendation is to keep doing what we are doing (nothing) and see him again in a year.
We then had a weird hybrid play date in between a fellow tubie's appointments. We have become fast friends with a couple from Lexington and their little one. Their little one played on the playground, while Spencer demanded to be cuddled by mom. After that we went to pick up his new ear molds (which came in amazingly fast).
After he got a nap in, Spencer was in a great mood. He was really talkative today and just really happy. Lately he's been super grumpy because he has a crap ton of teeth coming in all at once.
I've linked up with some parents to try to get WIC and Medicade changed so where it becomes more tubie and blended diet friendly. Essentially there are a ton of kids like Spencer who don't really fit in with the WIC system. Medicade also doesn't support blended diets. While they will shell out thousands of dollars a year for formula, they won't pay for a blender so parents can feed their tubies normal foods.

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