Friday, June 4, 2010


So Spencer went to sleep study last night instead of tonight. We were hoping that we would have the results back today, but alas they did not come in. Since it's Friday, they probably won't come in until Monday. If he did better, we could be home by Tues or Wed. Needless to say, if he doesn't, we'll be devastated.

Today I was trying to bolus feed Spencer and forgot to take the cap off. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why in the hell it wasn't getting down the tube. And then after I figured the whole mess out, I got milk everywhere. And there Spencer was, contently sucking away on his pacifier, while I was getting his dinner everywhere.

He got to go to the playroom today. It's not much of a playroom, but it's a change of scenery. We were convinced he was going to have a ball. He cried nearly the whole time he was strolled down the hallways and whenever his paci fell out of his mouth the whole ten minutes we were at the playroom. At least we'll have some interesting pictures. There is one of him kind of sleeping instead of playing. Figures.

I discovered today that Spencer doesn't have a toe nail on his baby toe on his left foot. It was the toe that was bent all crazy when he was born, that is slowly righting itself. So we'll see if the nail ever comes in.

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