Thursday, June 30, 2011


So Spencer's ISP was today. I'm kind of bummed out about the results of his Carolina evaluation. I really think they should have asked me all the questions rather than his daycare workers. There is probably a lot he is doing that they don't see. He is behind on most of his areas of development...even in the 3-6 months range on certain things. It's no surprise to me that Spencer is classified as delayed...I still live in the fantasy that despite all Spencer's physical challenges, that he doesn't have any mental disabilities. As he is getting older, and further and further behind, it's beginning to feel like I'm making excuses for his lack of doing certain things. He does have a lot of challenges which influences his development, but how long do we give him to catch up before he is labeled?
I think that it would be devastating for his dad and I to be so bright, but for Spencer to have a mental disability. But then I remember, it doesn't matter. We will still love him and care for him no matter what an IQ test says. But you still hope for your child...
Maybe he will prove everyone wrong. Maybe he will cure cancer, Mito, and AIDS and win a World Peace Prize. Maybe he won't. But his life will hold purpose. I always told myself that no matter his issues, he will be a productive member of society.

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