Monday, January 17, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss.

Spencer had a tear duct surgery on the 13th, and he is having tubes put in his ears tomorrow. The last surgery was supposed to take twenty minutes, but took over an hour. It was called a lacrimal duct probing- meaning he had tubes placed in his tear ducts. Apparently they were a mess, which is what took so long, but he is now anatomically correct. Now hopefully it worked permanently. The ear tubes are being placed because he has narrow ear canals and has pretty much been on antibiotics for the majority of the past three months.

Good news for a change- he doesn't need glasses...yet! He is borderline!

He is making great gains in his physical development. He is starting to figure out sitting up a lot more. We're pretty optimistic he will be sitting independently by his first birthday- two months! He is rolling over- sometimes he needs a little help.

Yesterday I had him sitting in from of a toy that he hadn't played with in a couple of weeks. He attacked the toy and started turning all the nobs and stuff- something he hasn't done before. Every day this little boy does something that amazes me.

I'm super worried about his oxygen levels. He has been dropping significantly at night. ENT told us to put him back on O2 at night and told us to get him into the pulmonoligst asap. He has an appointment coming up soon- but I'm almost afraid to call to get the appointment sooner. I shouldn't be procrastinating, but isn't ignorance bliss? I'm convinced something is going on with his lungs or heart. I can't handle major surgery. Little operations here and there get me upset, but I deal. I can't deal with anything with "open" in the title.

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