Thursday, July 15, 2010

Very Quick Update

A few quick updates:

Spencer had a busy day. We cashed a giant check from the government (his backpay for SSI) and bought him some clothes and a couple of toys to help him along with his develpment. He went to the hand specialist today, and his doc said that if he had to bet what was up with his hands, he would say distal arthrogryposis- but he'll grow out of it. He potentially has an extra bone in his thumbs as well- we'll do x-rays in six months, but overall it was a good visit.
Then we went to have his super leaky g-tube looked at. He had it replaced with a smaller one which has seemed to work wonders. While they had his old button out, he shot out stomach goo and managed to shoot it about five feet. I didn't know whether to be embarrassed or impressed.

He had his first PT session this week and it went really well. He is doing amazing considering he was in the NICU for so long. We also went to the endocrinologist and she told me that he could potentially outgrow his hypothyroidism and there was no way that it could have done any damage to his brain in utero!

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