Monday, April 29, 2013


Spencer at nearly a half of a peanut butter sandwich today.  We then had a clogged tubie after I did his tube feed, which thankfully I got unclogged in a last ditch effort before I changed his tube.  Never a dull moment.

Spencer has been incredibly vocal lately.  He said his I love you to me again last night.  He has also been saying no a lot, which is getting a lot clearer.  He is responding to me more when I talk to him.  There are still times where he just ignores me too:)

He still isn't a huge fan of Quinn.  I occasionally catch him smiling at her, and then stops when he sees me smiling at him.  Quinn started smiling about two weeks ago.  Today Jimmy said she gave him a big old "spencer" smile.  I can't wait until she starts giggling.

She grasped onto a rattle today.  I started crying.  Spencer didn't grasp onto a rattle until at least six months.  When he was her age, his hands were still in splints a huge chunk of the day.  It's bittersweet.  I'm excited by all the cool stuff Quinn is doing, but yet saddened that Spencer had to fight so hard to be able to do the same things.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel - I can tell this is probably a private blog, written for yourself and maybe friends and family. Yesterday I stumbled upon it while I was searching about my son's 2 birth defects.

    I have been completely swept away by your story. I've read almost every post from the beginning and am inspired and empowered by your struggle and strength, and your love and support for your son. I understand some of those struggles, and can relate to the love and protectiveness of a child who has some imperfections.

    Thank you for sharing your story. I am in love with Spencer after getting to know him and your family through your writing. Thank you again!
