Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pavlo for Babies

So Spencer decided to randomly start eating last Monday. While I appreciate his new found ability and his excitement in shoving yummy things in his mouth (although he can't self feed yet so I'm doing all the cramming), I have no idea where in the fuck it came from. He essentially sat through a year and a half of feeding therapy and ate no more than a fourth a jar of bananas, to being an accomplished eater (as long as what he's eating is in "puff" form or tastes like sugar). While I'm convinced his decision to start eating was based on watching his cousin shove random things into his mouth and not spit them back out, I do find the humor that he started to eat the one time we were taking a break from feeding therapy. I guess it was his one last "fuck you" to his old OT. I guess one could argue that she set the foundation and blah blah blah, but any way it goes, I'm ecstatic. Yesterday he ate 38 cereal puffs in one sitting...the serving size is 68, a feat which I don't even think his cousin who is two months older and twenty pounds heavier could accomplish. He is doing awesome. I also believe I have him trained. He opens his mouth whenever I put anything towards it. Except carrots.
Spencer is also sitting up on his own and crawling a bit. He only sits up on his own when mommy, daddy, or grandma aren't around to rescue him. His new favorite thing is sitting up in his crib (when he isn't busy knocking the hell out of the side of his crib with his braces). He can also crawl to whatever toy he wants. He does this adorable thing where when the toy is within his reach, he lies flat on his belly so he can reach the toy without crawling anymore. My kid is a lazy genius.
Surgery number 8 is next Friday. His ptosis repair. I'm still really hesitant about this surgery as it is the first one that will change how he looks. It will be better for him in the long run, but it doesn't make it any less sad. He will probably also be getting glasses...which will be adorable. I'll update again after surgery next week!

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