Quinn Avery was born on Friday, March 1st at 7:25pm. She weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces and was 19 inches long. She threw a fit when she was born...I guess she was comfortable. As far as we know, Quinn is a "normie." She shows absolutely no signs of any genetic disorder, Ohdo Syndrome included. The only thing she has is possiblysome tolerance issues with formula (we are poorly attempting breast feeding as well), so there may be some reflux going on, but no where near as bad as Spencer's was. She also has a scaral dimple, but we don't suspect spine issues. Normal is scary. I'm still very much on my toes, looking for things. My paranoia is also in full force and I'm freaking out about stupid stuff that we've proved isn't in the house, such as lead paint. It's all probably tied to post par tum stuff, but it isn't all consuming. At this point I'm just concerned about if breast feeding is going to work. I'm pumping and we are supplementing with formula. I'm just about ready to throw in the towel. I figure we'll find a formula she tolerates well and then I can back off if my milk supply doesn't beef up. I'm kind of bummed, but if she needs formula, she needs formula.
Spencer isn't a fan of Quinn yet. Every time she cries he throws a fit. They've tagged teamed me in the car several times now. All I can do is laugh at them because Spencer is so over the top. He'll get used to her, in time. He is warming up a little bit...he'll at least come some where near her now. Quinn lost her umbilical cord yesterday, so today I opened up her play mat. She fell asleep before she got to play with it, but Spencer had an absolute blast. I think some of the toys from it went to bed with him.
She had her first bath today. It's strange not having to carry an oxygen tank or move tubes to carry her or give her a bath. She did such a good job. She didn't cry at all. Afterwards, I wrapped her up in a towel and she fell asleep.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
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