Thursday, May 24, 2012

Surgery Sealed with a Kiss

This morning Spencer had his ENT followup...also known as the Snot Doc. For those who don't follow our medical lives too closely, we have more than doctor for each part of his body. We have three ear ENT, an otologist, and an audiologist, aka, Snot Doc, Fancy Eye Doc, and Dr Tommy. Anyhow, the last time we went to see Dr Tommy, he told us that Spencer's ear tubes were going out. We followed up with Snot Doc a month ago, who confirmed his ear tubes had bit the dust, and said he had fluid in his ears. She wanted to see us back in a month to make sure he still needed more tubes, since that's the protocol. Keep in mind my child had a submucosal cleft palate, which will cause him sinus and ear issues until the end of time, but whatever...we drove six hours today to humor her. Since the kid has had three ear infections in the past 4 weeks, we knew we were getting new ear tubes added onto his testical surgery next month. She even though our peds idea of permanent ear tubes was a good one. She also added that she wanted to do a superior anoedictomy (I'm butchering the spelling and I'm too lazy to google it). Basically he's having a small portion of his aneoids removed to help him breathe better and it should help his apnea. We have to keep his tonsils and the rest of his aneoids because he has a split uvula (the thingie that hangs down in the back of your throat), because of his cleft palate. While I think his uvula is an awesome addition to his anamolies he's going to show off at a drunken frat party in college, it's pretty useless otherwise. This additional surgery shouldn't cause any pain but it means he'll be in the hospital over night. He is also getting a repeat ABR done while he is under....for those who don't speak deaf, it's a hearing test. Spencer and Jimmy are both sick, which is kind of miserable, but at least I got to call into work and spend some quality time with little man. While waiting for the doctor to come in, I grabbed Spencer out of his stroller because he was getting antsy. He kind of wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on the cheek...the first time he's done it unprompted. Either that or he snotted me enough for me to think it was a kiss...either way, I'm considering it an offering of gratitude. I asked him if he kissed me and then he licked my face. I think he's just sharing his germs to bring me down. He's already brought down the jimmy, now the mighty has to fall.

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